Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Larsen's Cultural Myths / Barack Obama Speech at 2004 DNC Convention

The first five minutes of Barack Obama’s speech at the Democratic National Convention in 2004, is a strong example of two of Larsen’s Cultural Myths, The Wisdom of the Rustic and The Possibility of Success. The Wisdom of the Rustic has it’s roots in the American Dream, implying that anyone and everyone has the chance to pursue their dreams, and can indeed, make it to the top regardless of their status, race, sex or religion. Larsen’s myth of The Possibility of Success is the idea that if you work hard enough you can accomplish anything you set out to do and be successful.

From the very moment he begins, Obama employs the use of The Wisdom of the Rustic, by pointing out the fact that his presence on the stage is pretty unlikely. Mr. Obama is the son of a goat herder, his father was born and raised in a village in Kenya, he attended school in a one room tin roof shack. Furthermore, Obama goes on to explain his grandfather was a cook who was a domestic servant to the British.

Obama quickly moves into another of Larsen’s Cultural Myths, The Possibility of Success, he explains how his grandfather had bigger dreams for his son, and that with hard work and perseverance, was granted a scholarship to study in a magical place, America.

Returning to The Wisdom of the Rustic again when speaking about his mother, and her parents, Obama tells of how his maternal grandfather was a farmer and worked on oil rigs and his grandmother worked in a bomb making factory while raising a baby. They also had big dreams for their daughter, Obama’s mother. In his speech he explains that his parents not only shared an improbably love, but an abiding faith in the possibilities of this nation. Their son, Barack Obama, is an extraordinary example of someone with very humble beginnings who became a graduate from Columbia University and Harvard Law, a senator, and the 1st African-American president of the United States.

Obama uses the process premise of needs as he focuses heavily on his roots and the importance of the foundation he had from hardworking individuals in his family. Additionally, an emotional process premise is used by Obama, as he successfully gets the audience to feel the joy he feels when talking about his family’s hard work and dedication to their dreams. There is a strong sense of pride felt when he is speaking of the determination and commitment required of his parents and grandparents to work towards a goal that many in their positions would have not even attempted to achieve. The emotional process premise of pride extends to the feelings cultivated from the speech in regard to our country, as Obama declares, "In no other country on earth is his story even possible."


  1. I agree that Obama does a great job of using Larson's wisdom of the rustic myth. He makes his family as real as yours and mine. He talks about very humble beginnings. He talks about the beliefs his parents had for him. The possibility of success is also very apparent in his speech. The fact that he is on the stage demonstrates that myth for sure. He does a great job of talking about pride and all of his accomplishments he is proud of. There is no doubt that he is a great public speaker.

  2. Great analysis. You did a wonderful job exposing how he used Larson's myths throughout his speech in order to move his audience. This speech persuaded many to look at his opportunity as their own. Together they would have the possibility of success. Together they would stand on the shoulders of their ancestors and chart a new course to a better America.

  3. This is the reason he would become president. He is a very good speaker, and uses Larson's myths to make us feel like he is similar to you or I,(example...he says "folks, i tell ya!) that we want the same things..."tuck our children in at night, start our own business, etc" We become enrolled in his vision to do the work together....the average person such as you or I along with our political leaders! Great job!

  4. Great analysis Angelee. The speech given by Obama is the pinnacle of Larson's cultural myths. How his family came from humble beginning, purchased a home a true American Dream. How Obama owes a debt to all that came before him, that was awesome.

  5. I'm glad you used this speech because as I watched it to use for the Fogg analysis I thought how well it would also work for Larsen's Cultural Myths. Your analysis is spot on. Obama does such a great job at pulling his audience in and making them feel as though he is speaking to each individual.

  6. This speech made me have hope for change. This is probably a perfect speech and the way it blends with Larsen makes it seem like he had the points right in front of him when he wrote it.

  7. Awesome Job! This was an inspiring speech that Obama delivered and it helped me to appreciate the work he has done while in office. It is so common to hear only negative things about what he has done, but listening to his speeches, for me, removes him from his political position and turns him into an acutal person. After listening to a few of his other speeches I'm always surprised how humorous he is.
