Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Out of Class Presentation

I chose to do my out of class presentation on Conflict in Interpersonal Relationships. I chose this topic because the information I learned in Professor Mckracken’s class was simple, yet profound, and I feel it is beneficial for all people to understand how to competently deal with conflict. I did my presentation for a group of my family and friends that I knew would find the information interesting and applicable.

I first explained what conflict is and why it is important that we study conflict. I went on to teach them what it means to be effective and appropriate in conflict. I ended by emphasizing that conflict resolution is essential to maintaining relationships that thrive, and most importantly that, “The ability to successfully resolve conflict is the single best predictor of long term relationship success.” This fact alone is a powerful source of motivation to educate ourselves about conflict.

I used Survey Monkey to for my Likert Scale, my audience gave me high marks all around. I asked several of them to please give me some ways I could improve, and the one suggestion I was given was in regard to the slides. I was using a computer to show the slides and for this audience member it was distracting and confusing.

I felt that the presentation went really well. I now realize that the factor that has made the biggest difference in my comfort level in public speaking, is the passion I feel about the subject I am speaking about. When I am telling people about something that I find interesting or that may be truly helpful to them, it feels natural almost easy to speak publically. Additionally, I found that rehearsing the speech over, and over, and over again, prior to delivering it to an audience is essential.

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